BETUL, MADHYA PRADESH – Meet Sunita Bhusumkar, a 35 year old from a small village in Betul district Madhya Pradesh. Sunita lives with her husband and two lovely daughters. She had been grappling with a distressing health issue for the past one and half years when her menstrual cycle stopped. She felt as though her abdomen was protruding in some places. As the days passed, the swelling in her abdomen intensified, causing great discomfort. Sunita’s family lives in extreme poverty. To make a living for themselves, the couple used to work as labourers. They occasionally get jobs, but sometimes they did not. They used to get up early, finish off their chores around the house, get the kids ready for school, and then head out to do labour-intensive jobs.
Around six months ago, Sunita’s husband took her to the District Government Hospital. She was referred to the Bhopal Medical College. However, she didn’t receive sufficient care, so they went back disheartened. They could not seek out any more medical care because of their financial difficulties.
A Journey of Healing Through Surgery
In their hour of need, the Bhusumkar family learned about Operation Blessing and sought out assistance through Padhar Hospital, a partner hospital. Upon a thorough diagnosis, it became evident that Sunita was dealing with a pseudocyst, contributing to the alarming bulging in her abdomen. Recognizing the urgency of the situation, the hospital promptly arranged an emergency surgery to safeguard her life.
Thanks to generous partner like YOU, Sunita underwent a Life Changing surgery that gave her a new lease of life. Post-surgery, she has made a remarkable recovery. As her journey of healing began, she has now resumed her daily activities and household chores. Her husband, a hardworking farmer with limited resources, is immensely grateful to Operation Blessing for coming to Sunita’s rescue when they needed the most.