DEOGARH DISTRICT, JHARKHAND: In the quiet village of Lafritand, nestled in the hills of Madhupur, Deogarh district in Jharkhand lives a determined woman named Sonamuni Tudu. Her family consists of her husband, two children and her in-laws. She spent much of her life grappling with a formidable challenge – the lack of clean, accessible water. Sonamuni Tudu’s daily routine began with the arduous task of fetching water. Like her fellow villagers, she would rise before dawn and set out on arduous journeys to distant wells and ponds, often returning home carrying heavy pots long after sunset. This constant effort exhausted her physically and left her little time for family and farm work. She often dreamt of a better life for herself and her family.
Also, the water she used to collect was not clean, full of impurities and microbes that posed a health threat. Waterborne diseases are widespread this is made worse by the lack of sanitary facilities in her community. During the rainy season, searching for potable water was nearly impossible as the river gets flooded up to its course and sand and silt make it dirty and unfit for drinking.
Operation Blessing’s Arrival and a Healthy Water Solution
When Operation Blessing India learnt about the dire need of clean water in the area, they installed a simple hand pump, drawing clean water which the villagers can access with ease. Thanks to generous partners like You, Sonamuni Tudu life underwent a transformation as she operated the hand pump for the first time, witnessing crystal-clear water flow freely. With the heavy load of fetching water eased, she could now focus on her family and farm, improving her financial prospects and pursuing her dreams of a brighter future. She took joy in seeing her children thrive, no longer suffering from waterborne illnesses and in a healthier environment. Her children can now focus better on their studies and are doing much better.